Relationship in Everyday Life

RMC does not see church as a place we go, the programs we provide or as some form of the institution that has dominated Christian life for better or for worse over the last 2000 years.

The church is the people of God doing the work of God in God’s world.

The Apostle Peter wrote, “Live such good lives among your neighbors that they will see your good deeds and glorify God.” 1 Peter 2:12

We believe strongly in being “in the world,” actively performing community ministry that brings value and promise into the greater human community. The people of Redeeming Mercy Communities actively engage in community-sponsored activities, serving wherever we can to help community leaders help community members.

We also seek out opportunities to serve individuals and families whenever we can. We build relationships, we encourage people to take steps toward a more meaningful relationship with God and we provide opportunities within the local community for them to engage with others who are doing the same.

RMC is bringing the ministry of the church into the everyday.

The Mercy Community (MC) is our primary framework for ministry and mission and what we believe to be a true expression of New Testament church life lived out in the everyday. Its family-like format is an ideal environment for any community member seeking a more meaningful relationship with God.

As a local home-based hub of ministry and mission, the MC is organized and overseen by local leaders who are each deeply invested in the local community. Any community member is welcome to engage with MC members at any time – no special invitation required – but folks may also be invited to participate or are simply drawn into the MC as the natural result of organic relationship.

In whatever way folks arrive, a Mercy Community is a collective of men and women and their families who together are learning to follow God in close-knit community.


Every neighborhood has its own set of daily rhythms and values, so each Mercy Community will look somewhat different in its lifestyle while maintaining the common ideals of gospel-oriented, gospel-centered, gospel-driven Worship, Community and Mission.

All cultures express relationship through six common rhythms. MC participants look to connect with others in the community by understanding and interacting around these six rhythms.

Every person has a story as does every people-group.

Understanding comes through asking good questions and listening.

When what is most desired or needed is received it is a blessing.

Done together, eating is an expression of family, love and acceptance.

We celebrate what we value and value what we celebrate.

Spiritual and physical rest will result in productivity creativity.

Local Mercy Community

Investing deeply in everyday relationship, we are prayerfully and intentionally encouraging individuals to engage in a deeper worship relationship with their God.

Our Mercy Community Gathering takes these relationships a step further and deeper, providing spiritual relationships and learning opportunities that nourish and encourage faith as well providing access to a more fully integrated life in God.

Mercy Community Gathering

Sunday Worship

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Being a Christian is more than just an instantaneous conversion – it is a daily process whereby you grow to be more and more like Christ.

Billy Graham

Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that.

Martin Luther King, Jr.

God cannot give us a happiness and peace apart from Himself, because it is not there. There is no such thing.

C. S. Lewis

I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears my voice and opens the door, I will come in to him and eat with him, and he with me

Revelation 3:20